3 Opener Issues You Should Know When Dealing With Your Garage Door

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If you always want to speed up every aspect of life, an automatic garage door opener is invaluable. Besides, it can add value to your home and enhance its safety and convenience. Unfortunately, most people take it for granted, as long as it opens and closes as required. However, just like any other system, the door opener can experience some hitches. While you can fix some issues, others will need the intervention of a repair specialist. That said, knowing the precise problem with your opener will help you decide whether to replace it or enlist the help of a licensed overhead garage door repair technician. The following are some issues you might come across.

The Door Opener Fails to Respond to the Operator

Most openers are controlled either with a remote or a wall switch. If the opener is not responding to any of them, there might be a problem, for example, an interrupted power source or the distance to the antenna. The problem might also be caused by various things like a unit cord that is poorly plugged in, a faulty circuit breaker, dead batteries that need replacement, or issues with the programming of the operator. You will need the help of a repair technician to inspect and identify the precise cause of the issue and fix it. 

The Door Opens but Closes Only When the Remote or the Wall Switch Is Pressed for a Long Time

If this happens, it usually means that the sensors are out of line. To get rid of this issue, the sensors must be aligned. On the sides of the boxed roller door are some eyes that must have a straight view of each other. So, make sure nothing is blocking the view or keeping the sensors out of line. If there is no light coming from the eyes, you might need new ones. For that reason, you will need the help of a garage door expert to check the sensors for obstructions and misalignment and fix them.

The Garage Entryway Door Goes Up Again Before Hitting the Floor

Does your door spring up just before touching the ground? There is probably an issue that needs fixing. The rollers might be corroded or broken, increasing the abrasion and ultimately making the opener halt before it's meant to stop. Additionally, the close-limit switch might be the issue. A licensed repair expert can help you adjust the switch so that the door doesn't go up before touching the floor and can lubricate or replace the rollers. 

Your garage entryway door is a valuable investment, and it should be well maintained. While most problems can be simple to fix, others will require the help of a specialist. A certified repair technician will identify the issues and offer the most effective solution.

Contact a company like Armor Overhead Door to learn more. 
